
Earthshine observations

Earthshine, the sunlight reflected from Earth's atmosphere onto the Moon, mirrors how we might observe Earth as an exoplanet. I use a 3D radiative transfer model to simulate Earth as an exoplanet in intensity and polarisation, comparing the results with Earthshine observations. This approach helps me study how atmospheric and surface properties affect the characterization of Earth as an exoplanet.

Paper in preparation (coming soon!)

Earth as an exoplanet

I perform 3D radiative transfer simulations to understand the spectral and temporal variability of Earth-like exoplanets.
My research particularly focuses on the effect of clouds and different land surfaces, which are related to the habitability of the planet.

Paper submitted (coming soon!)

Hyperspectral albedo maps

I developed an hyperspectral albedo dataset for Earth called HAMSTER, which play an important role in correctly representing the spectral, temporal and spatial variability of Earth's surface reflectivity. This has many implications in Earth System Models to correctly tackle Earth's climate and in remote sensing applications.


Exomoons orbiting free-floating planets

I studied how long exomoons orbiting free-floating planets (FFPs) can retain liquid water. Through close-encounter simulations, I determined the exomoon's orbital parameters after staying gravitationally bound to the escaping planet. Assuming tidal heating as the sole heat source, I modeled the orbital and atmospheric evolution to study surface temperature changes over time.


Community & Outreach

Office E.5.25, European Southern Observatory (ESO), Karl-Schwarzschild-Straße 2,
85748 Garching bei München, Germany

 © Giulia Roccetti (2024)